AdbielLilRonaldo Personal Fitness

Step 1- desire

I would like to improve my cardiovascular endurance and my body composition.

Step 2- Belief

I have the belief of accomplishing this desire because I take Coach Bray class.

Step 3- Analyize where you are now.

I can last 20 minutes jogging.

Step 4- Set realistic goals.

i want to be able to lose 15 pounds by May 13.

Step 5- write your goals in detail.

I am going to do 5 extra minutes of exercise.

Step 6- list the benefits you will receive

I will feel more confident with my self.

Step 7- identify obstacles

Some of the obstacles I have to face is I don't have the proper equipment and I don't have much time after school.

Step 8- Indentify knowledge you will need

I need to learn how to jump rope beacuse it requires you to use your cardiovascular and you lose weight. the information can be found in coach bray class room.

Step 9- Make a plan of action

My plan of action is to execrsice every night for at least 30 minutes.

Step 10- Develop a timeline

It will take me about 2 mounths to reach my goal.

Step 11- Monitor your progress

I will monitor my progress every five days.

Step 12- Never give up

To get me motivated I will post a picture of before and after on my wall so I can get even more motivated to see the resualts .